How to add Livescore Bet to your address book To ensure you never miss an email from us, you can add our address to your address book manually. The instructions below detail how to do this for each email provider. Apple Mail In training mode, emails will arrive in the inbox highlighted in brown. In automatic mode, junk emails will land in the junk box. To add an email that arrived in the junk folder to your inbox, follow this process: Choose message > Folder icon> Inbox. Gmail If you find an email from us in your spam folder, click the small arrow to the right of the reply button and select 'Menu' to add our address to your contacts list. If you’re not receiving emails from us, click Gmail in the top-left corner and then click 'Contacts'. Click the icon with a person and a + sign, then enter Livescore Bet and click 'Add'. Remember, we might appear in your promotions folder rather than your main inbox. Hotmail/Outlook If you've not received an email from us before, follow these steps: Click the cog at the top right of the page, then select 'View all Outlook settings'. Select 'Junk email'. Click the '+ Add' button under 'Safe senders and domains' and then type into the box. Once you've done that, hit the 'Enter/return' button on your keyboard. Finally, click 'Save' at the top of the screen. Following the process above will add our email address to your list of safe senders. If you've received an email and it's gone to your junk folder, please follow the steps below instead: Click on the email so it opens and becomes readable. Click on 'Not spam' from the bar from the top of the page, then click on 'Not spam' from the list that appears underneath it. Mozilla Thunderbird To add our address to your Thunderbird contacts book, follow these steps: Right click on the sender's email address to open the menu. Choose ‘Add to address book’. If you haven’t already received an email from us, simply add Livescore Bet to your address book. Future emails from our address will now go to your inbox. Windows Mail Start by selecting 'Tools' from the top menu and then 'Junk email options' from the drop-down list.If you get a fair bit of spam and don’t mind having the occasional legitimate email marked as junk, you might want to switch to the high level of filtering. Should you opt for the high setting, be sure to check your junk email folder regularly in case anything important drops in.Another option is to only accept email from people (or domains like specified on your safe senders list. Only use this if you know exactly who will be sending you emails.To add our address to your safe senders list, follow these steps: Select the 'Safe senders' tab. One default setting you might want to change is the 'Automatically add people I email to the safe senders list', which is turned off by default. Click the 'Add' button. Add Livescore Bet to your safe senders list. If you find Windows Mail has incorrectly identified a message as spam, use the 'Not junk' button to restore it to your inbox. Ymail (Yahoo! Mail) With Yahoo! Mail (Ymail), you cannot add an entire domain. Instead, you’ll need to add the specific email address the required messages come from.This can be done by following these steps: Click the 'Addresses' tab. Click 'Add contact' at the upper left. Enter Livescore Bet and any other details you want, then click 'Save'. Related articles I didn’t self-exclude via GAMSTOP but it says I did. Who do I contact? Contact us How do I update my browser? Temporary wager restriction?