Dormant Accounts You may have received an email notifying you that your account will become dormant or when attempting to log in you may see the following message:'Your account is currently closed as per our dormant account policy.' This means that following a review, your account has been marked as dormant after being inactivefor over 720 days. I received a 7 day notice, how do I prevent dormancy? 7 days prior to dormancy, you will receive an email prompting you to log into your LiveScore Bet account. If you simply log in within that time, your account will not be declared dormant and will resume with an active status. If you do not log in within the 7 days after receiving the initial email, the account will become dormant and further verification will be required before we can revert the account back to normal. I'd like to reopen the account To reactivate, you'll need to send proof of identity and proof of address to We will only accept the following documents to verify identity: - Driving licence (the front of the photocard) - Provisional driving licence (the front of the photocard) - Passport (complete picture of the ID/photo page) We will only accept the following documents to verify your address: - Utility bill (electricity, council tax, phone or another service linked to your address) - Bank statement Please note, any bill or statement used for identification purposes must be dated within the last 3 months. The entire document must be visible in a single picture, with all writing visible and nothing cropped or cut off. I’d like to leave the account closed If you do not want to reopen the account, you do not need to do anything.The account will be closed 7 days after receiving the email regarding your dormant account.Should you choose to leave the account closed, any remaining balance will be subject to deductions as per our terms and conditions.Deductions will continue to be made until either:a) you contact customer services and provide updated bank details for your balance to be refunded to, in which case you will be refunded your full Account balance pre-dormancy.b) your Account balance reaches nil (0). Related articles How do I close my account? Contact us Why is my account closed? Net Deposits & Closed Loop System How do I update my account details?