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See all 10 articles
Self Exclusion
What's a self-exclusion?
How do I set a self-exclusion?
Can I reopen an account after a self-exclusion?
What happens to my account after I've set a self-exclusion?
What sites are covered by a self-exclusion?
What would happen if I breach a self-exclusion?
See all 7 articles
Spending Controls
What are Spending Controls?
I don’t want a spending limit... can it be removed?
Who sets the spending controls?
How does the spending controls work?
Who are the Player Protection team?
I cannot get through to the player protection team...
See all 8 articles
Deposit Limits
How is my Deposit Limit calculated?
How do I set a deposit limit?
What does a deposit limit do?
How long does a deposit limit last?
Can I combine deposit limits?
How do I change my deposit limit?
See all 9 articles
Cool-Off Period
What's a cool-off period?
How long can I set a cool-off for?
How do I set a cool-off?
How do I keep track of when the cool-off ends?
What happens at the end of the cool-off?
What should I do if I want a longer break?
What is GAMSTOP?
How do I sign up to GAMSTOP?
Will GAMSTOP close accounts I already have or just new ones?
Does this replace the normal self-exclusion option on a gambling site?
How long is the self-exclusion for?
Can I reopen an account once it’s self-excluded via GAMSTOP?
See all 8 articles